DFRWS US Articles Open Access Available


Both articles that have been presented at DFRWS US in July are now available open access. Details see here:

Radek Hranický, Frank Breitinger, Ondřej Ryšavý, John Sheppard, Florin Schaedler, Holger Morgenstern, Simon Malik: What do incident response practitioners need to know? A skillmap for the years ahead. In: Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, vol. 37, pp. 301184, 2021, ISSN: 2666-2817.

Stephen O'Shaughnessy, Frank Breitinger: Malware family classification via efficient Huffman features. In: Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, vol. 37, pp. 301192, 2021, ISSN: 2666-2817.