
Funded PhD position available

(2022-06-02; General Info)

Are you looking for a funded PhD position in forensics? We are currently looking for multiple students with backgrounds in Forensic Science (including digital), Criminal Analysis and Tracing or another master’s degree related to forensic science. Details can be found here.

New Article publised in FSIDI – Android application forensics

(2021-10-06; Publication/Conference)

Excited to announce that our “Android application forensics: A survey of obfuscation, obfuscation detection and deobfuscation techniques and their impact on investigations” is available open access in Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 39C (2021) 301285. Thank you to my co-Authors: Xiaolu Zhang, Engelbert Lüchinger and Dr. Stephen O’Shaughnessy. The article can be found here.