
New Article publised in FSIDI – Android application forensics

(2021-10-06; Publication/Conference)

Excited to announce that our “Android application forensics: A survey of obfuscation, obfuscation detection and deobfuscation techniques and their impact on investigations” is available open access in Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 39C (2021) 301285. Thank you to my co-Authors: Xiaolu Zhang, Engelbert Lüchinger and Dr. Stephen O’Shaughnessy. The article can be found here.

Two articles accepted at DFRWS US

(2021-04-08; Publication/Conference)

Excited to announce that the following two articles have been accepted as full papers at DFRWS US and will be presented during the all-virtual event from July 12-14, 2021. What do incident response practitioners need to know? A skillmap for the years ahead Malware family classification via efficient Huffman features Thank you to my co-authors: […]

Joining the University of Lausanne

(2021-04-02; General Info)

After almost two great years with the University of Liechtenstein, I started a new position at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) in the School of Criminal Justice as an Associate Professor of Digital Forensic Science and Investigation on April 1st 2021. I am excited to join a thriving University, be surrounded by ambitious colleagues and […]

EEA ADVANCES Project funded

(2021-03-03; General Info)

Happy to announce that the ADVANCES project, where I act as the PI on behalf of the University of Liechtenstein, was funded. The project ADVANCES, which aims to improve the performance of cybersecurity specialists, will bring together scientists of Vilnius University (VU), General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, Norwegian University of Science and Technology […]