
Papers accepted at ICDF2C’15 and ARES / WSDF’15

(2015-06-19; Publication/Conference)

The paper “How Cuckoo filter can improve existing approximate matching techniques” got accepted at the 7th International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime (ICDF2C’15). Furthermore, I will present the article “Watch what you wear: Preliminary forensic analysis of smart watches” at Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES’15, IEEE) in Toulouse, France in August. Both abstracts are […]

LaTeX Seminar on March 25th

(2015-03-18; General Info)

LaTeX is a powerful alternative to (Microsoft) Word for writing comprehensive reports/theses and is also often required by Journals in Computer Sciences, Chemistry or other Engineering disciplines. Some main features are: Free Easy to change templates (e.g., 1 vs. 2 column) Tools to maintain your bibliography (you can import references from google-scholar automatically and cite […]